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    Champions - Ezreal


    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2011-06-15
    Age : 28
    Location : SF,California

    Champions - Ezreal Empty Champions - Ezreal

    Post  i2DumbToName Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:32 pm

    Ezreal is the most mobile AD carry in the game. He is able to escape many dangerous situations while dealing significant damage on the fly. Learning how to play Ezreal is both challenging and fun, and contrary to belief does come with rewards.

    Skill Order
    Champions - Ezreal 10p64og


    Champions - Ezreal 2wgta87


    Summoner Spells

    Champions - Ezreal FlashChampions - Ezreal Cleanse


    Cleanse- Ezreal is extremely squishy. If you are caught out of position and CC'd you are as good as dead.

    Flash- best summoner spell for all AD carries. This allows Ezreal to travel great distances with a dual blink or allow Ezreal to have amazing escape potential as he can kite over two walls.

    These are the summoner spells I take as they fit my play style and I am very used to them. Other players can substitute ghost, ignite, and exhaust and mix the summoners as they please (ie. ghost + ignite, flash + ignite, ghost + cleanse, etc).


    Champions - Ezreal PPassive: Rising Spell Force

    Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds (Max Stacks: 5).


    Ezreal's passive is great during team fights as a well timed ultimate will allow Ezreal to have maxed attack speed stacks. This passive is pretty useless in lane as Ezreal rarely spams auto attacks in lane as he will lose the exchange due to his low range and increased change of taking minion aggro. Also, to stack a significant amount of his passive would require an excessive amount of mana, which would be better utilized with proper spell usage. When trying to DPS turrets, try to get stacks from mystic shots or use your ultimate to hit creeps down the lane.

    Champions - Ezreal QQ: Mystic Shot

    Ezreal fires a bolt of energy dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 plus 110% of his attack damage as physical damage (applies on-hit effects).

    Ezreal's cooldowns are reduced by 1 second if Mystic Shot hits a target.

    Cost 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50mana
    Range 10000


    Ezreal's bread and butter skill. Use this spell to harass champions in lane and team fights. Most people forget that spamming mystic shot actually lowers cool down. A common situation where this is crucial is during small skirmishes where you have used arcane shift and are kiting an enemy who is ghosted. Instead of blindly running away (you aren't getting away on foot anyways) spam mystic shot on targets to get back arcane shift cooldown (while running of course).

    Champions - Ezreal WW: Essence Flux

    Ezreal fires a wave of energy that damages all enemy champions it passes through for 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+60% of ability power). Affected ally and enemy champions have their attack speed respectively hasted or slowed by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% for 5 seconds.

    Cost 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 mana


    Ezreal is played as AD nowadays so this spell is essentially worthless. You can use this in team fights for some added damage if you have the mana to support it, otherwise save it for when you can cast it on enemy DPS to slow attack speed.

    Champions - Ezreal EE: Arcane Shift

    Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing arrow at the nearest enemy unit dealing 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+75% of ability power) magic damage.

    Cost 90mana

    Champions - Ezreal RR: Trueshot Barrage

    Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a barrage of missiles dealing 350 / 500 / 650 (+70% of ability power, +1 per bonus attack damage) magic damage to each unit it passes through. However, it deals 8% less damage for each unit it hits (Minimum 30%).

    Cost 150mana
    Range Global


    Ezreal's ultimate is great for initiating ganks or to burst down unsuspecting champions in lane. During lane phase, walk out of the enemy's line of sight in order to cast your ultimate to deal some serious burst damage. This allows you to farm more freely or even deny the enemy champion if their HP has dropped too low. In team fights, you should be maximizing the damage of the ultimate by using it when enemy champions line up. Obviously 5 champions will almost never line up, so if you think you can hit ~3 champions go ahead and shoot it. Do not use this ultimate to farm creep unless you are getting pushed hard or expect that no team fights/skirmishes will start for awhile.


    Marks: Armor penetration (Desolation)
    Seals: Mp Regen per lvl (Clarity)
    Glyphs: Mp Regen per lvl (Clarity)
    Quints: Armor penetration (Desolation)

    I run two sets of MP5 runes in order to spam mystic shot early-mid game without running out of mana. I find that two sets give me enough regen not to rely on blue buff for team fights.

    Item Builds

    Ezreal should prioritize as much attack damage as possible. No gold should be spent getting any other items (potions are ok).

    Starting item:Champions - Ezreal Dorans-blade
    Core items:Champions - Ezreal The-brutalizerChampions - Ezreal The-bloodthirsterChampions - Ezreal Last-whisper
    Boot:Champions - Ezreal Boots-of-speed
    End game items:Champions - Ezreal Trinity-forceChampions - Ezreal Banshees-veil
    Viable items:Champions - Ezreal Banshees-veilChampions - Ezreal Guardian-angelChampions - Ezreal Madreds-bloodrazor

    Banshee's veil - if there is an enemy AP carry who is able to burst you down. The only AP carries who should be able to do this are Kassadin and Leblanc.

    Guardian angel- perfect end game item when games will be decided in the next big team fight and you have been dying recently in team fights.

    Madred bloodrazor - this is the best DPS item for all carries end game since tanks are becoming extremely tough to kill. Coupled with mystic shot and auto attacks, Ezreal will be able to kill tanks extremely fast with blood razor.

    Sample item build:Champions - Ezreal Dorans-blade

    =>Champions - Ezreal Dorans-bladeChampions - Ezreal Dorans-bladeChampions - Ezreal Boots-of-speedChampions - Ezreal The-brutalizer
    =>Champions - Ezreal The-bloodthirster=>Champions - Ezreal Last-whisper=>Champions - Ezreal Phage=>Champions - Ezreal Trinity-force
    Sell Champions - Ezreal Dorans-blade to make room for Champions - Ezreal Phagelate game as the slow proc is invaluable since you won't be equipped with lizard buff the entire game. Once you have the core damage items down, you can think about building survivability items. If you don't have problems dying skip them entirely and go all out on damage.

    You can skip getting Champions - Ezreal The-brutalizerif you have enough gold to buy Champions - Ezreal Bf-swordon your trip to base, but that is usually rare by the time you shop.

    I don't usually buy level 2 boots as I run cleanse and flash. This fits my play style and allows me to save gold for damage items. However, most people should goChampions - Ezreal Ionian-boots-of-lucidityas it is hard for overly aggressive/inexperienced Ezreal players to kite with 355 move speed. Buy Champions - Ezreal Mercurys-treadsif enemy team has an abundance of CC and not running cleanse.

    Early Game
    Ezreal should play very aggressive at level 1 based on the lane match-ups. If you are against an enemy who isn't tanky or lacks lane sustainability, landing a level 1 mystic shot usually allows you to win the lane uncontested. Playing extremely aggressive once you have the HP advantage is one of the key points to dominating with Ezreal in lane. If you choose your position wisely you can choose to engage in a firefight to the death since Ezreal's DPS potential at low levels exceeds any other AD carry. Ezreal is extremely versatile in lane and can be played both aggressively or defensively. Arcane shift allows Ezreal to retreat or get into better positions to fire mystic shots. Be careful not to use arcane shift offensively when a jungle could be lurking nearby. If you don't have ghost and shift forward, you are pretty much dead.

    Try not to use Ezreal's ultimate just for the sake of farming creep in lane. You should be using Ezreal's ultimate to clear a wave of pushing minions or to harass/kill an enemy champion. Far too many times have I seen Ezreal's use Ult to farm only to miss important kill opportunities. Another way of using the ultimate is to steal enemy jungle buffs when you have vision. The burst is quite large and jungler's never expect a global ultimate to last hit a lizard or golem for 500+ damage.

    Mid Game
    Ezreal's mid game is just as important as his early game. At this point Ezreal should be dealing significant damage and can be given lizard buff to pressure his lane or go ganking. Ezreal is very strong at this point in the game as no champions are truly tanky yet. Coupled with a red buff and proper positioning, Ezreal will be able to pressure multiple champions in lane and free up objectives for the team. If possible, Ezreal should take both buffs from the jungler.

    Team Fights
    Although Ezreal is an AD carry, the bulk of his damage in a team fight should come from mystic shot spam. Auto attacking with Ezreal is obviously encouraged, but you must be very cautious as his range is shorter than most other AD carries. The dangers to using essence flux on enemy AD carries relates to this as Ezreal has to go into close range in order to get the debuff off. The damage from essence flux is insignificant and should be saved for spamming mystic shots unless you have blue buff or are near champions who are reliant on attack speed. Attack whoever you can that is safe to maximize DPS. Use Ezreal's ultimate to hit as many champs as possible, there is no need to initiate team fights and also no need to cast it during the fight unless you are sure you will do significant damage.

    Ezreal should always be maximizing DPS during team fights so hit tanks when you are not in position to hit anyone else. What normally happens in team fights is that your tank will be engaged in a fight with the enemy team and there will be a line formed. Your goal is to deal as much damage as possible and try to bait the enemy team into rushing you (essentially peeling champions off of your tank/other teammates). If you are successful, you have just ruined the enemy positioning and your team will be able to focus down targets easier.

    There will be many games where you will do well with Ezreal early and become the biggest threat on your team. When this happens, enemy champions tend to go all out and rush you with multiple champions. This should be taken into account during the team fight, and you should always position yourself close to a wall to shift over. All out rushes never work against Ezreal because if your team is competent, the enemy champions will rush blindly and take tons of free damage while being unable to kill you.

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2011-06-15

    Champions - Ezreal Empty Re: Champions - Ezreal

    Post  maneki_neko Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:54 am

    AP ez ftw noob aj =P

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